Since 2007 Lynx Foundation, carries out various projects of conservation, environmental education, environmental complaints, rescue of wildlife and ecology promotion.

These projects are financed by the Conservation Fund of Lynx Foundation, our organization does not receive any support from public or private institutions so material donations and voluntary money contributions help us to continue with these projects and start with others, you can help to conserve the biodiversity of our country by making a material donation or money contribution.

By donating these cameras you will support us so that we can count and research the Jaguars in the region of Calakmul and Bacalar in order to investigate the number of Jaguars (Panthera onca) in the region, these data are very important for us to continue with the programs of conservation and environmental education for this species.

To make the donation you can choose any of these two models and enter Mercado Libre by clicking on the following images:



By donating this screen you will support us so that we can continue to project free environmental education films in the communities where endangered species live.

To make the donation you can make the purchase through Mercado Libre in the following link:


By donating these tablets, you support us to be able to use the best technology to show images and videos to children in rural communities.

To make the donation you can make the purchase through Mercado Libre in the following link:

> You can pay any of these items in Mercado Libre with charge to credit card or debit card, in order to d othis you just have to create an account in the site, choose the item and put your card information.

>> Once you decide to make the donation, send us an email to:

>> You must provide us with your full name, phone number, address and email to provide you with the address of the donations and additional information to carry out the donation, as well as making any of these donations, you will receive a donation certificate of our organization


>> You can make voluntary contributions of cash with charge to your credit card or debit through PayPal following this Link:

>> When making any voluntary contribution, you will obtain a Donation Certificate from our organization


Once you have made your donation we ask you to please send us an email with the requested information to :

>> Name of the person and / or company that makes the donation

>> Amount of the Donation

>> Date of Deposit and / or Transfer

>> Full Address

>> Email and Contact Phone

By making any contribution you will help protect the biodiversity of our country and continue with our conservation and environmental education programs: